About Me

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My name is Courtney, and I am 25 years old. I am a proud mommy of three beautiful children ranging from the ages 9 to 3. For the past 8 years of my life, I had become heavily addicted to both pain pills and heroin. I lived in this world of denial, and such horrible guilt and shame. In 2009 I began my recovery process and had gone and completed a 30 day program followed by some outpatient, thinking I was good and I had this disease figured out but boy was I wrong. In august of 09 I had a relapse, and when I went back out, life became unmanageable and so insane that I lost everything. I lost trust I worked so hard to get back, I temporarily lost the rights to my children, and I lost all hope in believing life could be better. Since February of this year I have been enrolled in a 7 ½ month outpatient program. In doing so, I have so much more understanding and appreciation for life. By me doing this blog, and talking about my daily struggles and thoughts I hope to show people that with a little bit of work and a lot of effort, life can get better and the possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010



* Developed tolerance requiring increasing amounts to feel the affects.
* Started to neglect responsibilities.
* Combining other drugs to get an even bigger high, or using dirty needles.
* Withdrawing from family (isolation), or acting in a mysterious or secretive manner especially about new
* Giving up hobbies, sports, or other interests as a result of the drugs.
* Losing control.
* Always thinking about drugs.
* Continued use of the drugs even though you suffer from ill effects (BLACKOUTS, OVERDOSE)


* Sudden Weight Loss.
* Bloodshot Eyes.
* Dilated Pupils, or Black Rimmed Eyes.
* Spots around the Nose and Mouth.
* Pale Skin.
* Facial Skin is in Poor Condition.
* Shakes.
* Loss Of Appetite.
* Unkempt Apperance.
* Needle Marks on Arms or Legs.


* Paranoia
* Secretive Behaviour
* Mood Swings
* Outburts
* Irritability
* Extremes in Behaviours (Highs and Lows)
* Anxiety
* Depression
* Agitation
* Change In Personality

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