About Me

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My name is Courtney, and I am 25 years old. I am a proud mommy of three beautiful children ranging from the ages 9 to 3. For the past 8 years of my life, I had become heavily addicted to both pain pills and heroin. I lived in this world of denial, and such horrible guilt and shame. In 2009 I began my recovery process and had gone and completed a 30 day program followed by some outpatient, thinking I was good and I had this disease figured out but boy was I wrong. In august of 09 I had a relapse, and when I went back out, life became unmanageable and so insane that I lost everything. I lost trust I worked so hard to get back, I temporarily lost the rights to my children, and I lost all hope in believing life could be better. Since February of this year I have been enrolled in a 7 ½ month outpatient program. In doing so, I have so much more understanding and appreciation for life. By me doing this blog, and talking about my daily struggles and thoughts I hope to show people that with a little bit of work and a lot of effort, life can get better and the possibilities are endless.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


This topic I have struggled with for a long time now. For a long time I truly didn't believe in a God or Higher Power. I always felt like if there was this Higher Power why did I hit rock bottom? Why did I ever use a drug? Why did I meet the people I met? I honestly found myself resenting my Higher Power and pushed it away thinking I didn't need to believe because believing so far got me where I was NOWHERE! Now as you can tell this was horrible thinking. I should have been thinking about it in many other ways. I truly feel like things happen for a reason. I should have been asking myself what have I learned and better yet what am I still learning? Would I have been the person I am today if I didn't got through all of the guilt, shame, and hurt? Would I have appreciated life? Wow so many questions. But questions we'll never have answers to, well at least some of them. I still struggle with this topic because somethings I just don't understand, and maybe its meant to be like that. But I do believe, and I am open and willing to anything I might have to face and learn. Cause deep down I know it will make me stronger and help me have the life me and my kids deserve.


  1. Close pararells between ones lose of faith in God & how close friends & family of yours lost faith in you. But as you said you do believe in God & we very much believe in you .. To regain ones faith in any God that you choose will be a new awakening. You will realize how much of a burden has been lifted from your shoulders because when you have those moments of weakness or self doubt there will only be your God to guide you. he will be non-judgemental as wellas healing. Dont give up on yourself or him...Thinking of youevery day....Julie

  2. Its a shame that the ones who suffer the most is the kids. its a shame that one day there going to find this blog, And think that its ok to any of the things that u did. I hope nothing but the best for you but expect nothing but the worse.
